
Here, in the Journal section, you can keep up with my latest journeys & adventures, learn about plant medicines, entheogens & transpersonal states of consciousness, access tips to holistic healing and simply, learn with me.

To be informed of Ceremonies, Circles, Workshops & Retreats, please check in with my Instagram, sign up for my newsletter, or feel free to contact me directly.

☾ Entheogenic-Assisted Counseling:

Available upon request. 
Please contact me directly for more information.

☾ Plant Medicine Journeys & Ceremonies:

Available upon request. 
Please contact me directly for more information.

☾ Kambo Ceremonies:

Available upon request.

Kambo ceremonies are conducted one-on-one as I feel that my client deserves my full attention and energy during this process. A lot of things can arise and be released during this ceremony and I believe it is safest to not have multiple energies mixing. Being vulnerable can be daunting for some and can actually prevent them from going in deep with the medicine. This is meant to be a deep purging and cleansing process on all levels, so I set up the space to ensure that this can be done as comfortably as possible.

☾ Guided Entheogenic Session:

If there is a medicine that you have and are looking to journey with but would like a sitter/guide to facilitate your process, and assist you in journeying more deeply, please contact me for more information.

☾ Integration Circles:

I will be hosting group integration circles for entheogenic and transpersonal states of consciousness experiences. These circles are meant to build a supportive community and encourage relationship building, to share and help make sense of experiences by talking and listening to others, and of course, to make friends and connect.

☾ Grief Support Circles:

I will be hosting grief circles - a safe and confidential space where people can get together to openly talk, process and share their experiences with loss and grief. A place to hold space for ourselves and one another as we listen, connect, find support and a sense of community during times of grief and loss.

These circles will provide support through facilitated reflective exercises, education about grief and loss, sharing and support, mindfulness and self-compassion based exercises.

☾ Cultivating the Wild Woman ArchetypeWorkshops:

Deriving from the work of Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés and her famous book, Women Who Run With The Wolves, these workshops are meant to cultivate and harness the Wild Woman Archetype that lives within.

In her book, Dr. Estés discusses how within every woman, there lives the Wild Woman. This is the part of us that is filled with passion, creativity, deep wisdom and knowing. This part of us has been repressed by systems that have undermined and belittled the importance of emotion, intuition and instinct.

In these workshops, we tap into this archetype and start to call her forward as we awaken and reclaim our feminine power and truths.

*These sessions can also be done online via Zoom.

☾ Other sessions that are available online:

  • Psycho-Spiritual Counseling

  • Psychedelic Integration 

  • Whole Person Life Coaching

  • Long Distance Reiki

  • Mindfulness Meditation

Nicole Meyerdierks

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My name is Nicole, and I'm the owner and lead designer. I specialize in modern, conversion-driven designs for business websites and ecommerce stores. My team includes a graphic artist, a brand designer, and an SEO specialist. We love to work with business owners to help them develop and optimize their online presence and brand.


Hawaii 2015