Body Work

☾ Kambo Ceremonies

Available upon request. Please contact me directly for more information.

Kambo ceremonies are conducted one-on-one as I feel that my client deserves my full attention and energy during this process. A lot of things can be released during this ceremony and I believe it is safest to not have multiple energies mixing. Being vulnerable can be daunting for some and can actually prevent them from going in deep with the medicine. This is meant to be a deep purging and cleansing process on all levels, so I set up the space to ensure that this can be done as comfortably as possible.

  • Sapo, or Kambo, is a secretion that derives from the Phyllomedusa Bicolar Frog, which is found throughout the Amazon Rainforest in Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela and the Guianas. 

    It boosts the immune system as it stimulates the body’s production of antibodies, earning it the reputation of being a “jungle vaccine”. It is one of the strongest natural anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, antimicrobial and anesthetic substances found in the world, and is a powerful cleanser as it stimulates deep purging, which detoxifies the internal organs (liver, intestines, lymphatic system).

    Kambo is a holistic treatment and is heralded as a full body detoxification. It is said to remove all that which does not serve the individual assisting in bringing the person to a state of homeostasis on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

    On a mental level, it provides the mind with more focus, clarity and stillness, along with an increased resilience to stressors. 

    Spiritually, Kambo is used to purify, detoxify and remove impurities & blocks that have long been stored in the human body, at an emotional, physical, mental and spiritual level. It clears out energy field and realigns the chakras, which assist in enabling us to break negative habits, live and think in more alignment with our Higher Self.

  • Scientific studies show that the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog venom consists of many peptides that are beneficial to the human body. Some of these peptides are potent vessel dilators that increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier and stimulate the endocrine glands in the brain, like that of an antibiotic, which results in a deep cleanse of the body. 

    Other peptides cause a drop in blood pressure, stimulates the adrenal cortex and the pituitary gland, contributing to heightened sensory perception and increased stamina. These peptides also have a strong analgesic effect, increase physical strength and enhance the capacity to face pain and stressful situations. Some of these peptides have shown to have a potent effect on pain, inflammation, blood circulation, gastrointestinal muscles, gastric & pancreatic secretions, and stimulates the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland.

    As a holistic medicine, Kambo:

    ✺ Improves states of well-being and heightens vibration

    ✺ Deep detox and removal of impurities

    ✺ Aids in healing

    ✺ Deepens relationship to oneself and all that is

    ✺ Clears negative energies 

    ✺ Assists in personal evolution and growth

    ✺ Deepens connection to the True Self

    ✺ Releases blocked emotions and stored traumas

    ✺ Increases awareness 

    ✺ Provides insight to pain and suffering

    ✺ Helps decalcify the Pineal Gland

  • ✺ Phyllocaerulein – The highest concentration and appears to be responsible for most of the effects. It has a strong effect on the gastrointestinal muscle, which stimulates bile flow, pancreatic & gastric secretions, and found to mediate analgesic effects in the central nervous system.

    ✺ Phillokinin – Hypotensive effects on the cardiovascular system. Targets the bradykinin receptors.

    ✺ Phyllomedusin – Hypotensive effects and stimulates gut motility, contracts the smooth muscles, which contributes to the purging, also stimulates the lacrimal and salivary secretions. Shown to regulate the functions of dopamine, serotonin and other neurotransmitters.

    Note – Both Phillokinin & Phyllomedusin increases the permeability of the blood-brain barrier. 

    ✺ Sauvagine – Causes a fall in blood pressure. In the central nervous system, it appears to activate the pituitary-adrenal axis and corticotropin-releasing receptors (which are involved in stress, anxiety, depression, and addictive behavior) causing an increase in the levels of corticosterone, cetacholamines (such as adrenaline) and glucose in plasma.

    ✺ Dermaseptin – Trace amounts. These are said to inhibit the growth of a broad spectrum of microorganisms (protozoa, fungi, bacteria and viruses) without harming mammalian cells, thus being responsible for the antibiotic activity.

    Other medical properties of the venomous secretion are its anti-inflammatory effects, its capacity to destroy microbes & viruses, and heal infections. Due to the presence of these peptides, Kambo is one of the strongest natural antibiotics and anesthetics found in the world.

  • The Kambo medicine is applied by burning small dots into the epidermis (outer layer of the skin) with the tip of a stick-looking vine, called Tamiche. The patient’s saliva is then mixed with the venom which is then applied on the dots for approximately 20 minutes where it will then be removed. 

    The effects are immediate as the venom is released through the lymphatic system. The body becomes warm and the heart starts beating faster until toxins and bile are purged and released with the help of a minimum of 1 litre of water drunk in advance. 

    Immediate effects can be aggressive and have a rapid onset, which may include (but not limited to) increase of pace and intensity of heart rate, throat may feel tighter, sweating, and a purge which detoxifies the liver, intestine and digestion system.

    During the treatment, Kambo scans a person’s energy field and starts to work exactly where it is needed. The process is different for everybody and the course of treatment is planned accordingly. Overall, Kambo stimulates the body to function according to its highest potential after the organs, endocrine system and immune system have ben detoxified. 

    A treatment with Kambo has both short and long-term effects:

    ✺ Short term effects include a state of alertness, enhanced mood, alertness, clarity, increased energy levels, the capacity to easily concentrate and focus, increased resistance to stress, fatigue, hunger and thirst, and a still mind which can last from several days to several weeks. 

    ✺ Research suggests that the long term effects of Kambo’s peptides and their antibiotic effects may potentially be used for a wide range of medical conditions including, boosting the immune system, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, depression, migraines, blood circulation problems, high blood pressure, vascular insufficiency, organ diseases, cancer, fertility problems in women, AIDS, hepatitis, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

  • Traditionally, Kambo is used by tribes such as the Matses, Katukina, Yawanawa and Maruba, with its use differing among the tribes. The common use revolves around alleviating Panema – an indigenous name for negative energy. It is commonly used for hunting as it improves vision, increases the speed and energy for hunting, and makes the hunter appear as invisible by temporarily eliminating human odor. 

    It is used for its anti-inflammatory effects for healing eyesight and curing pain. Its traditional use has also been for its potent physical benefits such as to gain strength, maintain or regain health and provide immunity. It’s uses also extended to cleansing the body of rainforest dangers like malaria, spider and snake bites.

  • Medications that are NOT compatible with Kambo include:

    ✺ Parkinsons medications

    ✺ Heart disease medications

    ✺ Epilepsy medications

    ✺ Low blood pressure medications

    ✺ Lyme's Disease (in some cases) medications

    ✺ Blood pressure medications

    ✺ Steroids (Arthritis + Rheumatism) medications

    ✺ Corticosteroids medications

    ✺ Infection (Diclofenac) medications

    ✺ Sleeping pills and medications

    ✺ Varicose Vein medications

    ✺ NSAID medications

    ·       Clove and other cleansing herbs

    List of conditions that CANNOT be safely taken with Kambo:

    ·       Heart problems (of any and all kinds)

    ·       Stroke

    ·       Brain hemorrhage

    ·       Aneurysms or blood clots

    ·       Serious mental health problems such as schizophrenia and anything on the schizophrenic spectrum & psychosis, but excluding depression and anxiety

    ·       Undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy for 4-6 weeks afterwards

    ·       Immunosuppressants for organ transplants

    ·       Currently pregnant or maybe so

    ·       Breastfeeding a child under 6 months old

    ·       Addison’s disease

    ·       Severe epilepsy

    ·       Under 18 years of age

  • Certain situations may require special attention or considerations before, during or after your treatment. Please inform your practitioner if you:

    ✺ Take immune-suppressants for autoimmune disorders

    ✺ Taking slimming, serotonin or sleeping suppressants

    ✺ Use recreational drugs

    ✺ Taking any prescription drugs

    ✺ Have recently stopped taking any medications

    ✺ Have an active drug or alcohol addiction

    ✺ Chronic health issues: (chronic fatigue, arthritis, migraines, thyroid conditions, etc)

    ✺ Any heart conditions

    ✺ History of bulimia or anorexia

    ✺ Diabetic

    ✺ Have abnormally high/low blood pressure

    ✺ Have asthma

    ✺ Are you undergoing fertility treatments?

Note – The Kambo I use isn’t bought via third parties on the internet, I get it straight from the Amazon in Peru. I know that my Kambo is harvested ethically and respectfully so that the frogs aren’t harmed in the process nor are they milked dry, which would leave them defenseless against predators. The medicine isn’t diluted or cut with anything so it is 100% pure Kambo.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that, while Kambo is referred to as a “medicine” in the indigenous community, it does not work like typical western medicines. I am by no means a Western medical doctor, or a doctor for that matter. I have been trained with the Matsés tribe and adhere to their traditions and practices when working with this Amazonian Medicine.

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