Psychedelic / Entheogenic Integration Coaching

Plant medicines and Entheogens (psychedelics) can be a wonderful tool on the journey towards self-discovery, spiritual awakening, healing and wholeness. When properly used, entheogens can help you face challenging aspects of yourself, heal past traumas, get in touch with your true essence, release limiting subconscious beliefs and patterns, and much more.

Whether you are looking to dive deep with a medicine or simply explore, I’m here to guide you in your preparation and integration of your entheogenic experiences, and teach techniques in the reduction of harm.

The psychedelic experience varies from person to person and from experience to experience. Due to the very personal nature of entheogenic experiences, it is not a one-size-fits-all, some people naturally require more support than others. My role is to provide support, knowledge and help you develop skills for navigating the psychedelic experience, throughout the whole process; from beginning (preparation) to end (integration).

  • Regardless of whether you are a first-timer or a seasoned explorer, I am here to help guide you through this process and territory.

    We go through topics such as; learning about safety & harm reduction, learning of & the implementation of skills & practices that can help you get the most out of your experience.

    I impart tools that you can draw upon in the event waters were to become turbulent.

    I provide you with necessary information on both the benefits and cautions of working with psychedelics, information on the psychedelic/entheogen of choice, including current medical & academic research, and safety information (contraindications, interactions etc).

    If you are seeking a different approach and might be ready to make substantial changes in your life, I am here to be the supportive ally to help you bring greater coherence to your life and ground the experiences.

    In other cases, you may struggling to integrate what came up during your journey and need some guidance and support. My mission is to guide and support you through this process so that the information and transformation can land and become anchored into your being, body and life.

❊ Preparation Process

I support you in exploring and setting intentions for your journey.
We will spend some time exploring and understanding the ways in which you would like to grow, heal and awaken through the experience.

❊ Developing & setting intentions.

❊ Clarification between intentions & expectations

❊ Education on safety & harm reduction.

❊ Education on the medicine of choice.

❊ How to prepare yourself physically, psychologically and spiritually.

❊ Practices to facilitate and deepen the experience.

❊ Assist you in the creation of a safe container (should you be journeying somewhere other than in a center or ceremonial space)

❊ References & referrals for guides or facilitators for extra support.

❊ Tools to assist you in your journey space.

❊ If one is going to a retreat center, we go through what questions to ask the retreat center and/or facilitator.

❊ Questions to ask your doctor or mental health practitioner.

  • Psychedelics don’t create change, but they certainly enable them – they spark the desire to wanting to make constructive changes in our lives. I assist in the discerning, planning, execution & implementation of these changes in an intentional and sustainable way, while helping you ground and integrate the experience into your body and life.

    Post-psychedelic experience is where the real work begins and this process can take on many forms. People can have profound insights during their experiences that provide a new lens from which to evaluate and view their lives. They can become aware of patterns, structures and situations that are not conducive to their growth and decide that they want to make changes in those areas. I can help you discern what needs to be done, prioritize, plan for necessary changes, and support you through the process while you implement them.

❊ Integration Journey

❊ Landing & anchoring the experience into daily life

❊ Anchoring beneficial feelings (unconditional love, a sense of acceptance, living authentically etc.)

❊ Processing difficult emotions

❊ Making meaning from the journey

❊ Clarifying values

❊ Working with the insights you've received

❊ Foster balance

❊ Discern & identify changes

❊ Implementing changes needed

❊ Exploring how your intentions were or were not addressed during your journey, and what may have arisen instead.

What it entails:

- Weekly 1hour sessions via Zoom
- Education
- Personal work that is tailored to you (practices such as journal prompts, embodiment practices, somatic exercises etc.)
- Extra assistance via Telegram


Preparation – A month long commitment is required before the journey.

Integration – A 3 month commitment is required post journey.

 DISCLAIMER: Please note that I am not a medical professional. However, I am very well versed in the entheogenic realm and can provide much needed support, guidance and point you in the right direction for medical & support.

Ready to take a deep dive into your psyche?