Hawaii 2015


Hawaii is a place that is extremely special to me. Since the first time I visited, it was a place that instantly struck a chord with my soul and it felt more like hOMe to me than my home in Trinidad & Tobago...I've never visited a place before or since that has made me feel that way.

At the age of 16, I visited the majestic islands of Hawaii in 2006 for the first time with my mom as we went for a spiritual seminar conducted by Joan Ocean that revolves around meditation and swimming with dolphins in the wild. We spent 3 incredible weeks on the Big Island and had the most unique encounters with the Spinner Dolphins, Pilot Whales, and met absolutely wonderful people on our journey. 

Fast forwarding to July 2015,  9 years later, I had a burning need to go back to Hawaii and reconnect with my cetacean family. For those of you that know me, y’all know of my connection with the dolphins, the important role they've had throughout my life and how much I adore them and the Hawaiian Islands. 

While back on the Big Island, I went to visit some previous spots that my mom and I saw together. This time with the company of my dad and a good friend. 
We went to the Volcano National Park to see the Kilauea Volcano. It's such a treat to visit these sights and get in touch with the immense power of the Earth and the process it underwent to be what it is today. These primordial forces still exist and are capable of such destruction yet such creation. It was definitely a humbling experience to be in the presence of the Volcano Goddess Pele!  
Also paid a visit to Hilo to see the 400+ feet of majestic beauty that is Akaka falls and the lush foliage that surrounds it. While on that side of the island, we spent some time road tripping around to see the different sites.

What I hadn't done on my previous trip was visit any of the other Hawaiian islands so this time, I popped over to Oahu for a couple of days to stay on the North Shore, do some sight seeing and skydiving.

Go Pro Shots

While on the Big Island, I spent the majority of my days swimming in the ocean connecting with the dolphriends, journaling, taking photos, clearing my head and a little sight seeing. My aim and mission of this trip was to get as much time in the water with these special beings as I felt that it was something I absolutely needed to do...it’s really hard to describe. As I like to say, I needed to re-tune myself and reconnect. I honestly believe the vocalizations and energy of dolphins and whales are extremely healing on a multitude of levels and my soul was craving their energy.

To swim with these guys in the wild is such an awesome experience. To know that a wild animal has acknowledged you, consciously chooses to connect & share a swim with you while making deep eye contact with you is something words can't describe, it's such a special feeling. There is no doubt that you are looking into the eyes of a highly intelligent being. 

Skydiving in Oahu

Went for a skydive session while in Oahu. Jumped out the plane at 15,000 feet and it was siiiiiiickkk! The landscape on North Shore Oahu is crazy beautiful and it was a great experience to see the landscape from a bird's eye view. 

Note - these photos aren't mine as we weren't allowed to have anything on us/with us. They were taken by Skydive Hawaii.


Iquitos, Peru 2016

