Portal - 1:1 Psycho-Spiritual & Embodiment Mentorship

Do you hear the whispers?
The gentle nudges?
That tug from your gut?
The calls beckoning you from a deeper place?
That thing in you urging you to dive deeper?

She’s always calling out to us.
She’s always there to guide us.
Although we may not be able to hear her subtle whispers through the cacophony of our minds.

Our wonderful, beautiful, and brilliant minds.
Yet we become entangled in the elaborate webs it spins; the stories it tells us, the defense & coping mechanisms, the patterns it’s created to keep us safe.

The remedy is to tune in and drop down.
A slow migration from our minds into our bodies.

Portal is the archetypal process of the Heroine’s Journey. It is the journey home; the spiral journey deep into yourself to connect with your raw essence and let her move through you and breathe life into you.

This is a slow burn.
A dripping.
An unraveling into yourself.
A deepening.
A downward movement into the innermost layers of yourself.

Do you feel called to :

- Open into yourself and let life penetrate you
- Process emotions, wounds & traumas
- Come into deep relationship and expression of your emotions
- Express all the parts of you – the unhinged & raw expression of you
- Live without the inner bindings of shame, embarrassment and mental restraints
- Connect to your pussy, womb and sex
- Follow the call of your soul and trust where it will lead you
- Feel turned all the way on by your own erotic aliveness
- Take up space
- Become the dreadest & truest version of yourself
- Uphold boundaries
- Hold your energy and understand energetic leaks
- Step into your highest self while deeply rooted within yourself
- Embody your magick

Drawing from my various trainings and personal experience, I take you on the archetypal Heroine’s Journey of the descent into your underworld through the pathways of the body. My work is a blend of counseling, coaching, somatic processing and embodiment, this way we’re working with all the levels so that we may integrate them.

I’m with you as you undergo the journey of unbecoming & becoming.
It’s a shamanic process of alchemy. One where you process your life’s journey, untangle your patterns, learn to regulate yourself and your nervous system, become rooted in your pelvic bowl, connect with your life force energy and feel the pulse of life move through you and emit from you.

The spiral journey of descending into the body and intimately connecting with the whispers of your Soul.
A symbolic journey that initiates you through the life/death/rebirth processes so that you can truly come alive.
Come into connection with your power, your life force, your eros, your sex, your raw expression and the rooted embodiment of yourself.

We go on a deep dive to re-discover that call within, learn to distinguish it from your mind; hear her and feel her, ground yourself into your body, and connect with your inner most self, so that the most authentic you may be revealed.

The Juice:

What we’ll journey into:

- Shadow work & the unconscious
- Processing your emotions through the body
- Nervous System work
- Symbolic life/death/rebirth
- Working with archetypes & archetypal energies/themes
- Your connection with the Earth (and her elements), Soma, Womb and Cosmos
- Somatic expression & release
- Embodiment
- Self responsibility
- Self acceptance & approval
- Sovereignty
- Build your capacity to hold yourself
- Eros and your erotic expression
- Your pelvic bowl – womb & pussy
- Reclaiming & expression of your voice
- Raw expression (anger, grief, love, awe etc)
- Yin/Feminine energy

What you’ll receive:

- Weekly 1:1 hour long sessions via Zoom
- Personal practices tailored to you and your journey
- Journal prompts & exercises
- Extra support via telegram – questions & extra guidance
- Me as your guide to give you extra spankings, celebrate your magick, providing you with a mirror, and accountability.


3,6 and 9 month journey, with options to extend.

Ready to dive deep?