Path of the Phoenix

An online group program that is in service to guiding you on a journey into the Underworld so that you can reclaim all that you are

It is a journey where you will connect with the deeper parts of yourself, witness others and be witness in your rawness, own your power, and come into alignment with the truth of your soul so that you can live a life led from Soul.

Connecting with our tears,
for they are the balm that heals our wounds.

The soft,
The sublime gentleness,
The lightness of air beneath her wings.
Transcendent fluidity as she glides.

Humbly bowing to change when it beckons.

The fire of transformation
So that there can be regeneration

The burning of all that isn’t true to reveal the deepest you.

The eternal & internal flame
A fire that burns it all to ashes,
So that we may rise anew
Again and again

The willingness,
the surrender,
total and complete trust.

The knowing that the destruction births creation.

Trusting that our deaths invite us to live,
And live fully.

It’s the unbecoming to become.

It’s through the descent that we learn how to rise.

This is your invitation into alchemy.

Who Path of the Phoenix is for…

  • Women who are feeling a call to journey into themselves and ready to meet deeper layers of their psyches.

  • Women who are ready to take a journey into their Underworld.

  • Women who desiring to get inexplicably raw with themselves.

  • Women who are seeking to journey with the Goddess Persephone.

  • Women who are desiring to meet their edges and move beyond them, and have a willingness to stretch & expand.

  • Women who are ready to do the deep shadow work.

  • Women who are willing to surrender to and trust the process of unbecoming.

  • Women who are desiring to live from their Soul.

Please note, while it is an initial 6-month container, the nature of this work is a slow unfurling, so there will be an invitation to continue to dive deeper.

Initial 6 month commitment with the option to extend:

~ Bi-monthly 1:1 coaching sessions

~ Daily support

~ Private community

~ Teaching & Lessons in the form of videos

~ Daily reflection practices & journal prompts

~ Weekly guided shamanic & embodiment journeys as a group


I will be your guide taking you through the process of unearthing your habitual patterns & programming, learn how to truly be with yourself in all your seasons, learn how to show up for yourself and show up in alignment with your deepest desires & yearning, and cultivate practices that nourish and feed your soul.

How it Works

We start with a free discovery call via zoom - this is to see whether we’re a fit for one another and to feel if you’re ready for this journey.
Once you feel the pull and it’s a yes on both sides, you’re in babe.

  • STEP 1: Unearthing

    We’ll get started by taking an honest look at your patterns & habits, and gain ultimate clarity on where you desire to be. From here, we’re able to begin the juicy work of unearthing everything that isn’t you, so you can begin to know yourself on the most intimate level.

  • STEP 2: Unraveling

    Beginning to see all that isn’t you; we will work with our ego and begin unraveling the attachments to the identities we’ve adorned ourselves with. Here, you begin to see the illusionary overlay of what the ego has created for itself by the identities & personas. We examine different aspects of you to determine what is truly you vs what has been a created identity by the ego.

  • STEP 3: Descending

    This part of the process where we dive into the realm of the Underworld; going into the down.

    You learn how to truly be with yourself and all that is arising. Feeling all the feels. You’ll begin to witness your patterns of grasping (to something that will make you feel good ie. quick fixes), escape , distract (social media scrolling, binging on Netflix etc), and/or stuff yourself (friends, food etc.). Here, we tend to ourselves gently with awareness & presence. This phase is meant to teach you how to really be with yourself; not over analyzing, not bypassing or passively waiting for things to pass, but by bringing deep awareness to really be with yourself.

  • STEP 4: Fertilizing

    The ways in which you nourish yourself, honoring the space to nourish yourself wholesomely and trusting what you’ve cultivated in the descent. We work on cultivating practices & rituals that are in service to feeding your soul.

  • STEP 5: Rising

    The natural reconfiguration of the Self - A natural coming together anew. This process is organic, it’s meant to be a felt sense in your body; trusting the body’s organicity as this becomes your inner guiding compass to connect with your Soul, intuition, and your deepest Self.

Ready to take a deep dive into your psyche?